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Elaine Adler :

Elaine harmoniously blends calligraphy and art for clients across the US and Israel, including:

• ketubot
• Torah portions for a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah
• passages for anniversaries, weddings, etc.
• family trees
• artwork to honor congregants and members of organizations
• unique and personalized birth announcements, naming certificates and invitations
• brochures and logos
• CD covers and blurbs

In addition to pens and brushes, Elaine uses her Macintosh to produce flyers, brochures, CD covers and blurbs, and other printed materials for individuals and organizations, often combining calligraphed logos with computer fonts. She has designed her own web site and will be happy to do the same for others. Her company name is Elaine Adler Word Designs.

Published work:
Family tree in Departures Magazine, November 2008
Family Tree in How to Write Your Life Story, Readers Digest Publication, 2007
Photo of a custom ketuba in Lilith magazine, Summer 2003

Artwork and graphic design for CD cover and booklet for Indwelling Presence by Ashira.
Make Your Own Calendar for the Jewish Year 5759, Little, Brown (a children’s activity calendar).
Publisher and Editor of Jewish Arts Etc, a Judaica arts newsletter, 1991-1994
Graphic design for Lichvod Pesach, a Women’s Haggadah, Temple Emunah, Lexington.
Ketubot in Shalom, the European Jewish Times, Geneve, Switzerland, March 1994.
Artwork in Sh'ma, A Journal of Jewish Responsibility, New York, 1987-88.
Birth announcements in:
The New Jewish Baby Book by Anita Diamant, Jewish Lights, 1993, 2005.
The Jewish Baby Book by Anita Diamant, Summit Books, 1988.
Baby Lore by Odette Chatham-Baker, Macmillan, 1991.
Wedding invitation in The New Jewish Wedding by Anita Diamant, Fireside, 2000.
Cover and book design, The Measure of Mourning, A Guide for the Bereaved, Temple Emunah, Lexington, 1985, 2003.

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Commissions from organizations (cities are in Massachusetts unless noted):
Donor Plaque for Congregation Beth Israel, Media, PA
"Joyful Melody" passage for Cantor, Congregation Beth El, Voorhees, NJ
Honorary Certificate, New York University Dept. of Psychology
Artwork honoring congregants, Temple Beth El-Atereth Israel, Newton.
Artwork honoring school parents, Maimonides School, Brookline.
Illuminated memorial book, Temple Isaiah, Lexington.
Torah breast plate design (rendered in silver) and print, Cohen Hillel Academy, Marblehead.
Logo, Synagogue Council of Massachusetts.
Logo, Jewish Music Institute, Hebrew College, Newton. (pictured above)
Limited edition print for high donors, Sh'ma, a Journal of Jewish Responsibility.
Flyer for lecture series honoring Charlotte Bloomberg, for Temple Shalom, Medford.
Logo, certificate, brochure for Maimonides School, Brookline.
Logo, brochure, certificate for Charlotte Bloomberg Awards, Boston.
Conference flyers for Camp Ramah Institute and Congregation B’nai Or.
Illuminated certificates for Hadassah; Congregation Kerem Shalom, Concord; Hebrew College, Brookline.
Anniversary ketuba for Rabbi & his wife, Temple Israel, Detroit, Michigan.

Artists Support Grant, Lexington Council for the Arts, 1989.
Charlotte Bloomberg Award for contributing to the vitality of the Jewish community through the publication, Jewish Arts Etc, 1994.

Juried and invitational exhibits include:
Windows at the Starr Gallery and Fine Judaica Show, JCC, Newton.
Celebrating Women Artists and Authors, Wellesley Branch, National League of American Pen Women, Newton.
The First Seven Days, Hebrew College, Boston.
Liturgical Arts Guild of Ohio.
Women's Creative Expressions, Boston University, Boston.
Women's Creative Spirit, Temple Israel, Boston.
Traditions, a one-woman show, Cary Memorial Library, Lexington.
Steinberg Center for Jewish Artists, New York.

Slide-Lectures and Participatory Workshops:
Hebrew Calligraphy
Evolution of the Ketuba
Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts
Living Spiritually Amidst the Chaos
Connecting to the Shechinah
Creating a Shviti for Sacred Space
Some locations of lectures and workshops:
Jewish Community Day School, MIT Hillel; Jewish Women’s Spirituality and Creativity Conference, JCC, Newton; Day of Learning, Bureau of Jewish Education, Boston; Young Women’s Leadership Program, CJP, Boston; Women’s Conference, National Council of Jewish Women, NYC; Jewish Federation of the North Shore; MINI-CAJE Conference, Boston; Northeast Regional Havurah Retreat; Temple Isaiah High School, Lexington; Congregation Kerem Shalom, Concord; numerous Sisterhood, Adult Education and school programs; Summer Kallahs, Commission on Jewish Living, Brandeis University.

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All designs, artwork, articles, and descriptions displayed on this web site are copyright ©1995-2012 by Elaine Adler and Elaine Adler Word Designs. All rights reserved. Please do not copy, print, or reproduce in any form any of the artwork, text, graphic design, or any other part of this web site without the express written permission of Elaine Adler.
Web site design by Elaine Adler.